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Kirkus Reviews: Living the Asian Century – An Undiplomatic Memoir
Review By: Kirkus Reviews A frank career assessment by the longtime Singaporean diplomat...
Book Review: Living the Asian Century — An Undiplomatic Memoir
Review By: Krishnan Srinivasan Kishore Mahbubani's memoir merits reading for its rags to...
Mint: ‘UK Should Vacate Permanent Seat For India…’
NDTV: India A Major Geopolitical Actor: Ex-Diplomat On PM’s Russia-Ukraine Visit
CGTN: Can Jake Sullivan’s visit mend China-U.S. relations
UN credibility depends on adjusting veto rights to match shift in global power
Imagine the poetic justice if the UK were to cede its UNSC seat in favour of India The...
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Prof. Kishore Mahbubani
Asia Research Institute
AS8 #07-16
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Singapore 119260
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