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It’s not just the drought treaty. Canada is vanishing from the United Nations
The decision to withdraw from the United Nations Convention on Desertification is the...
How to Prepare Our Youth to Succeed in the Emerging Single Global Middle Class
According to Kishore Mahbubani, author of The Great Convergence: Asia, the West and the...
A Bold Optimist
By David Hale, The International Economy, Spring 2013 [embeddoc...
Dean Mahbubani Discusses His Book’s One World Logic at HKS
By Kate Hoagland On February 15, Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of...
Yes, we can: Non-European thinkers and philosophers
The exchanges between Santiago Zabala and Hamid Dabashi published in Al Jazeera brings...
Un Papa de un mercado emergente
Pablo Pardo | Washington El 42% de los católicos del mundo vive en Latinoamérica, pero...
The rule of more
We are still living through what the historian John Lewis Gaddis once called a “long...
Governing the global village
Kishore Mahbubani has long been a cheerleader for the alternative to Western dominance....
The future of the world – Floating hope
“HOPE is on the move,” noted this paper two years ago in an editorial contrasting “the...
Southeast Asia, Once Described as Asia’s Balkan, Is Today A Peaceful Community
By Manik Mehta [embeddoc...