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Asean deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, says Kishore Mahbubani, SE Asia News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
Asean's success in ensuring peace and economic and socio-political progress in the...
New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East
For centuries, the Asians (Chinese, Indians, Muslims, and others) have been bystanders...
The new CIA… China, India and America | Prime India Today
Shakespeare wisely said, "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the...
Treat China and Trump with respect in 2017 , Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
"The Chinese government is a despicable, parasitic, brutal, brass-knuckled, crass,...
Despite Trump’s efforts, economic power will continue to shift to Asia in 2017 | global-is-asian
Last month it was a cooling manufacturer. This month it's the automakers. Thus far, the...
Fragile: Handle with care
US-China relations were always destined to end in difficult territory. Whenever the...
Source: My Three Goals for SG100
Can Singaporeans read?, Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
A new year has begun. It often begins with new hope. This year, it would be fair to say...
Yes, this is the Asian Century. But there’s still cause for Western optimism | World Economic Forum
The big question of our time is a simple one: should we feel optimistic or pessimistic...
The Geopolitics of Populism | Project Syndicate
SINGAPORE – The big question in Asian countries right now is what lesson to take from...