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One Year of Narendra Modi govt: Bold moves on world stage | The Indian Express
With Xi Jinping in charge, we now know what the new strong China looks like. With...
Vor 50 Jahren erklärte Singapur seine Unabhängigkeit | The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Die Gründung des Staates Singapur vor fünfzig Jahren war für seine Bewohner kein Grund...
The city state of Singapore braces itself for challenges to come
When great men die, great changes follow. Lee Kuan Yew, who has died aged 91, will...
An Afternoon With Kishore Mahbubani | The Huffington Post
As part of the Albert H. Gordon lecture series, this year’s speakers Kishore Mahbubani,...
The modern miracle that is Asean, Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
Like all great men, Mr Lee Kuan Yew left behind many legacies. Some are obvious. The...
What happens when China becomes No. 1?, Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
Let me begin with three incontrovertible facts. First, China will become the No. 1...
Building the Singapore cathedral, Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
A favourite story used by management consultants to explain how workers can be motivated...
China and ASEAN: A new model of international relations | The Indonesian Journal of Leadership
Source: Strategic Review
The Big Tent approach to ensuring Singapore’s survival, Opinion News & Top Stories | The Straits Times
Let me suggest three concrete ways in which Singapore can increase its chances of...
Why Britain Joining China-Led Bank Is a Sign of American Decline | The Huffington Post
SINGAPORE — Some events are epochal. The decision by Great Britain to join the Asian...